Sunday, April 27, 2008


Aum Amriteswaryai Namah

An Introduction to IAM – Integrated Meditation Technique®
Meditation is the ancient art of mental mastery. The way we perceive the world around us completely depends on our mind. In our search for happiness, we essentially have two options—modify the entire world so that everything turns out exactly the way we want it to or modify our mind so that we are able to be happy, content and peaceful, regardless of what happens in the external world. The former is obviously impossible. We have very little control over our external world. The only hope for happiness lies in controlling the inner world. Meditation is a key element in this process.
Amma, the Spiritual Master who synthesized IAM – Integrated Amrita Meditation Technique®, says, “Remote control of the mind should rest firmly in the palm of one’s hand.” Imagine one with such mental control. For him, emotions, ideas and memories are at his beck and call. If anger comes, he can change the channel. The same with jealousy and greed. He can recall any past event, like hitting rewind on the DVD player. If he wants ideas, he only need turn to the “idea channel” and a flow of creative ideas will come forth. No more staring at the blank screen of writer’s block. Total and complete mental control—this is what we are after.
The mind is a machine. But it is completely up to us to maintain that machine properly—treat it properly, get it serviced when necessary, keep it in general good working order. Only then will we be able to get the maximum potential out of it. We should also know how to turn the machine off! This sadly has become a lost art and the very reason we see so many people around us blowing fuses. Meditation is our daily mental maintenance system.
Through focusing on objects, sounds and sensation during meditation, our power of concentration will increase. Practicing observing our mental and vital functions, we will gain in awareness. Relaxing the mind, will create a stress free mind. Expanding our concept of our self in meditation will similarly expand our thinking in general.
Improved power of concentration, relaxation, expansive thinking and awareness are the basic benefits of IAM Tech®. These constitute a general refinement of the mind. How one uses that refined mind is completely up to each individual. A painter may use his refined mind to open up the well of ideas within him and apply them on a canvas. A CEO may use them to manage his company better, make shrewder business moves and relax more deeply on holidays. A soldier may use his refined mind to maintain mental equipoise in battle. A monk may use his refined mind to contemplate on the nature of his soul. The possibilities are endless and completely up to the practitioner.

Om Lokah Samasthah Sukhino Bhavantu

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